Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Mark 16:15

If you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Romans 10 : 9-10
Welcome to the official website of Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart!
Welcome to the official website of Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart, containing details of the Family Worship Center and the SonLife Broadcasting Network, including direct links to the websites of Frances Swaggart, Evangelist Donnie Swaggart, Pastor Gabriel Swaggart and other extensions of the ministry. The website also contains our ‘Shop’, where you can make online purchases of JSM merchandise such as The Expositor’s Study Bibles, Music, Preaching & Teaching CD’s, DVD’s, Study Guides, Commentaries, and Books.
Media & Resources
The Evangelist
The Evangelist is the monthly magazine of JSM! Each issue is packed with articles by Jimmy Swaggart, Frances Swaggart, Donnie Swaggart, Gabriel Swaggart, and others!
Read the words of Jimmy, Frances, Donnie, and Gabriel Swaggart. Their blogs are a great way to stay connected with the Swaggart family and to learn more about Jesus Christ.
Shop JSM
Shop JSM is the official online store of JSM. Here, you can find a variety of Bibles, books, DVDs, and music from Jimmy, Frances, Donnie, and Gabriel Swaggart.
Prayer Request
Join us in the privilege of coming together in prayer, united in faith. Trust in the power of prayer, for we firmly believe that God listens and responds. Rest assured, your information will be kept in utmost confidentiality. Experience the transformative blessings that await.
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