From Me to You: January 2024


I personally believe that The Expositor’s Study Bible is at least one of, if not the greatest missions work in the world today. There are some eight million of these Bibles in publication around the world, and hundreds of thousands going out each month presently. The reason I say what I do is because the Word of God is ever so powerful, ever so helpful. In fact the Bible is the greatest move of God in the world today because it is the Word of God. 



Another reason I say what I do is because The Expositor’s Study Bible is the Bible that helps one understand the Bible, and that is very, very important. If you can’t understand what you are reading, then it doesn’t do you that much good. But the Lord told me how to do this—how to position the notes with the scriptural text that would make it easy to understand. That’s what we did, that’s what we have done and will do, and that’s the main reason why this Bible is so very, very important. When we set out to do this, which was some years ago, the Lord told this to me:“I have told you to do this. I will help you to do it. I will anoint you to do it just as I anoint you to preach.” And that’s exactly what the Lord has done. 



How so much I thank you for helping to support this work, and I speak of you purchasing one or more, even many more of these Bibles to be given out to individuals. Think about the following:By the time you read this, we should have begun printing New Testaments in the Vietnamese language. We started with the translation of the New Testament into Vietnamese, and we will, by the grace of God, translate the entirety of the Bible. Our goal is to then move on to the Hmong language. There is a growing number of Christians in the Hmong population, and we want to make sure that they have the best opportunity to grow in their knowledge of the Word. Just forty to fifty years ago, they had never heard the name of Jesus. Now Christianity is growing by leaps and bounds due to the work of missionaries and ministries in that region.


Dr. Dan Dang, who translated the New Testament, is the son of the former general superintendent of the Assemblies of God in Vietnam. His background in the Pentecostal doctrine has made him the perfect person to translate our notes. As I have mentioned before, it was a divine appointment amongst Gilbert Lindsay (World Wide Printing), Patrick Klein (Vision Beyond Borders), and Dave Roever and Dr. Dan Dang (Roever Evangelistic Association) that has allowed this opportunity to happen.


As I dictate these notes, we have approximately two million Bibles on order at this very time. Thank God for that and thank you for helping us to pay for these Bibles, to put them into the hands of those who very much need them. 



There is nothing more important than the Word of God. That’s why The Expositor’s Study Bible is so important. As we have already stated, it is the Bible that helps one understand the Bible, and nothing is more important than that. 


Again, I wish to thank you for helping to put these Bibles into the hands of millions of people all over the world. Yes, I said millions, and that’s because of what it is. As I’ve already stated, we have put into the hands of people nearly eight million of The Expositor’s Study Bible, and we will push toward ten million in just a matter of weeks, or months at the most. 


Again, I say thank you because without you, we couldn’t do what God has called us to do. But with your help, your financial support, your prayerful support, and by the grace of God, I think the world’s greatest missions effort is now underway full steam ahead. Again, thank you.

P.S. We must thank Dave Roever (and translators and Gilbert Lindsey) for the Vietnamese project.  

In the Master’s service, yours, 

[Jimmy Swaggart]




From Me to You: February 2024


A Conspiracy